Sunday, March 21, 2010


It has taken countless hours to come up with a workable schedule that includes coming back often to work. Although Tony is retiring, I am not. The trips on this itinerary to Bullhead City are to work (with some fun included). We would love to catch up with friends if they are in any of these areas when we are there. Just let us know and we will try to catch up with you. Here goes;

May 2010- We will be staying in Bullhead City, Az the whole month of May.

June 2010- June 1-SoCal(Southern California), June 2-Sacramento, June 3-5 Dunsmuir,Ca, June 5- somewhere in Oregon, June 6-12- Seattle, Everett, Wa area, June 13-Redwood City, June 14- SoCal, June 15-25 SoCal, June 26-30-Bullhead City, Az

July 2010- July 1-10-Bullhead City, Az ( July 4th I hope to enter the eggfrying competition in Oatman,Az, they give prizes to whomever can fry an egg the quickest outdoor on their car hood or the ground using only the sun), July 11-15-SoCal,July 16-30-somewhere in San Fransisco area, July 31-SoCal.

August 2010- August 1-14-Bullhead City, Az, August 15-SoCal, August 16-26-somewhere in Lake Tahoe area, August 27-31-SoCal.

September 2010. Setember 1-7-Bullhead City, Az, September 8-18- San Diego, September 19-31 SoCal.

October-December 2010. Bullhead City, Az.

I am so excited. We hope to find a way to do some ministry and be useful during this trip. If you know of anyway we can be of help in these areas let us know. We will send postcards (pictures and postings) along the way. Feel free to suggest lodgings (pet friendly) and eateries in these areas if you know of some.

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